The Ohio Search & Rescue team was dispatched to help search for six-year-old Emma.* They joined local authorities and dog teams, working together to find her. A rainbow-colored croc Emma had been wearing was found about 1,000 feet from the house, and two teams were sent to search the area.

Scared, lost, and alone, Emma was found sitting by a tree, with no clothes and her head down. A team member assisting in the search wrapped her in his coat and took her to the road where an ambulance met them. Minutes later, a heavy downpour came. Randy, a Search & Rescue team member, said, “I believe we saved a life. With no warm clothes and the rain, I’m not sure she would have made it through the night.”

Due to her mother’s death by overdose, Emma was raised by her great-grandmother for a time. She hadn’t seen Emma for several months, and she arrived on the scene, distraught and emotional. Our team took the opportunity to point this hurting family to God’s love during this time of uncertainty. Even beyond the search, the heart of the Search & Rescue program lies in ministering to the many lost and hurting souls.

We have an ongoing funding deficit for the Search & Rescue program. If you wish to support the work of finding lost or missing people in the U.S., click the donate button to give a gift.

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