Ohio Search & Rescue

Dispatch 855-711-8885 | Information 937-673-2370

What We Do


Our team is equipped to search, manage, or assist in missing person incidents with mapping and tracking capabilities to efficiently search and log searched areas. We also have several communication options that include stationary and portable repeaters for clear communication in remote areas. Our team also utilizes advanced drones with cameras and thermal capabilities.


Our team has multiple boats and trained team members that can assist with searches for drowning victims. We utilize state of the art side scan SONAR and also have a towfish to obtain stable images in deep water. Our ROV (Remote Operated Vehicle) allows us to use cameras and SONAR to clear points of interest or make body recoveries in up to 500 feet of water.


Our team is available to assist in the aftermath of tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, and other natural disasters. We can assist with clearing areas and searching for survivors as well as tracking and managing the search and recovery efforts. Our team is trained to use the NIMS framework as well as the FEMA marking system for seamless integration with other teams.

Ohio SAR Team

About Our Team

The Ohio SAR team was established in June 2016. Our team members are from conservative Christian communities and are passionate about helping others.

Our goal is to be an effective resource and to assist local law enforcement, EMS, fire departments, park services, and other responsible agencies with missing person searches.

We strive to maintain proficiency in our skills and work hard to stay current in training and equipment . Since our team is volunteer based, we do not charge for our services. Our ultimate goal is to show the compassion and love of Christ to people in distress.

Our Equipment

For more information click on pictures

Underwater Camera

  • Video Recording
  • Pole Mounted

Outland ROV

  • Up to 500ft operating depth
  • TriTech 1200ik SONAR
  • Hi-Res Video & Recording
  • Arm for Victim Retrieval

Matrice 300 Drone

  • Thermal Camera
  • High-Resolution Video & Photography
  • Recording Capabilities
  • Specialized Software
  • FAA Certified Operators

Inspire II Drone

  • High-Resolution Video & Photography
  • Recording Capabilities
  • FAA Certified Operators

Zodiac Inflatable Boat

  • 12′ Length
  • Jet Motor
  • Humminbird SONAR
  • Shallow Draft


  • Interop Capabilities

Staging Trailer

  • VHF Radio Comms
  • Staging Signage
  • Equipped for Staging Setup
  • Dry Erase Boards
  • Heating & Air Conditioning

Jon Boat

  • Portable
  • 25 hp Motor

Klein Towfish

  • Advanced Imagery Software
  • Stable Image Production
  • 300′ Cable
  • Hi-Res Recordable Imagery

GPS Tracking & Mapping Software

  • Live Tracking
  • Multi-Layer Mapping
  • Op Period Management
  • Input & Export Functions
  • Live Sharable Data

Aluminum SONAR Boat

  • 2-Helix 12 SONAR Units
  • 65 hp Jet Motor
  • Shallow Draft
  • Front Work Platform
  • Equipped For Recovery Ops

Our Training

Our team works hard to be proficient at what we do. We take our certificates and training seriously and do what we can to increase our knowledge of search and rescue topics. This continued training increases our efficiency and makes our scenes safer for all involved.

All Ohio SAR team members are required to hold the following certifications:

CPR & First Aid  •  State Approved Boaters Safety CourseICS 100, 200, 700, 800  •  NASAR SAR Tech II

Wilderness First Aid  •  Swiftwater Awareness

Many of our team members are certified in the following areas:

Firefighter  •  Rope Rescue Technician  •  ICS 300 & 400  •  EMT
  Amateur Radio Operator  •  Advanced Wilderness Life Support
MLPI  •  Paramedic  •  Registered Nurse  •  Crime Scene Preservation  •  Lost Person Behavior  •  Wilderness EMT
FAA Drone License  •  Swiftwater Technician

Newsletter Signup

Click the button below to sign up for our Ohio SAR newsletter.


Without your assistance and skill set, I am convinced the results would not have been as productive

Your team was top notch and your technology was extremely impressive. Thank you for saving not only her life that day, but for the work you perform each and every day.

You and your team have been an integral part of our mission bringing to bear resources that exceed our local capabilities. The skill, knowledge, and proficiency of your team far surpassed my initial expectations. The resources that you mobilized to assist us are greatly appreciated. In all of our interactions, your team was ready and willing to accomplish and/or attempt any function we requested of you.

lt’s comforting to both the North Canton Police and Fire Departments knowing there are organizations like yours that aid in Search and Rescue. We cannot thank you enough for your efforts.

Our Team

Recent Activity & Incidents

Incident LocationOperationTeam(s) InvolvedDates
Yellow Springs, OH (male)WildernessOH12/20-21/2024
Chillicothe, OH (dementia)WildernessOH11/5/2024
Chillicothe, OH (drowning)WaterOH10/9-10/2024
Fairport Harbour, OK (drowning)WaterOH7/8-10/2024
Dayton, OH (drowning)WaterOH5/17/2024
Piketon, OH (Runaway Juvenile)WildernessOH5/9/2024
Chillicothe, OH (male)WildernessOH3/28-29/2024
Roseville, OH (Juvenile)WildernessOH3/8/2024
Ironton, OH (drowning)WaterOH2/26/2024
Thornville, OH (mentally handicapped)WildernessOH2/15/2024
Stout, OH (mental handicapped child)CanceledOH2/12/2024
Troy, OH (Juvenile)Water/LandOH2/7-9/2024
Logan, OHWildernessOhioMay 31, 2023
Oyster Bay, NYWaterOhio, PennsylvaniaMay 17, 2023 - May 23, 2023
Hamden, OHWildernessOhioMay 08, 2023
Dayton, OHWaterOhioApr 30, 2023
Hammersville, OHWaterOhioMar 10, 2023
Piketon, OHWildernessOhioMar 05, 2023
Chillicothe, OHLandOhioJan 04, 2023